The time will come to emerge from our cocoons with fresh perspective. Wishing you all good health and prosperity as we move forward into a new world. With love, Geraldine
Four options, Four great places! Sign up now! Level I: Portsmouth, New Hampshire! April 27 & 28, 2020
Cancelled until further notice
Tap here to register: Structural Reflexology NH Level I
Level I: Seattle, Washington! June 6 & 7, 2020
I came across this advertisement dated September 8 1962 in a Tuscaloosa newspaper announcing the “Wikler Shoe by Buster Brown”. Many adults may remember wearing these shoes as a young child because mom’s wanted best for their children.
According to the late Dr. Wikler, children’s feet should be measured monthly to avoid deformity and…..
Did you know hips swivel approximately 2000 times when you walk one mile? When done correctly walking invigorates your entire body without stress. Its benefits range from stimulating creativity and calming nerves, to conditioning coronary arteries to open while gently strengthening the heart muscle.
While people have been walking for thousands of years, in late the practice of walking has been…..
The late Dr. Simon Wikler, chiropodist and inventor of the shoe for Buster Brown devoted his life to educating the public about the importance of wearing shoes that fit and support the shape and function of feet. The greatest impetus for his passion began after he attributed the early death of his mother to shoes she…..
∼ Structural Reflexology® 2020∼
♥ Speaking engagements & Classes Reflexology Association of America (RAA) Conference Guest Speaker April 24-26, 2020 Portsmouth, NH
♥ Learning opportunities
Feet are very resilient and deserve great respect for all they do for us. Weighing only two percent of our total body, these small appendages have herculean strength, capable of bearing tremendous stress and weight- in fact according to the late Osteopathic Doctor, John Martin Hiss, the ligament structure of feet can withstand the weight of 7860 lbs…..
Neil and I arrived in Fairbanks, Alaska 7:30 p.m. on the 11th of September, 2019.
We were greeted at the airport by Neil’s brother Glenn and his son, Wolf Song . After checking in to our sweet Bed and Breakfast, Ah, Rose Marie, we drove to Glenn’s family cabin where we received a warm welcome from…..
Are you one of many who wear away the outside edge of shoes? If so, you may be susceptible to developing tarsal tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis, chronically sprained ankles, and tight hip flexors. But don’t despair there is hope. Allow me to explain. Like clockwork, 13 muscles in the lower leg move the foot in a specifically timed and coordinated manner……
If you have chronic shoulder pain you may want to check out the ball (fifth metatarsal head) beneath your little toe area for a possible answer and that would be, a callus. Calluses that appear on the foot is a sign one is developing a foot problem and the location of a callus means the associated reflex is…..