It seems we notice our feet most when they hurt–because suddenly our sense of freedom to move the way we want to is challenged. What we also need to be aware of is how other parts of our body react to foot pain, especially the brain–which constantly seeks for ways to find relief and freedom from discomfort, and this causes brain stress.
One of the best ways to calm brain stress is to receive a comforting Foot Reflexology session. Reflexology methods help to resolve the burden the brain is keeping track of by soothing the thousands of nerve endings on the bottom of the feet that communicate stress to the brain. This relief of tension in the neuromuscular system allows the circulatory processes to open and flow more efficiently, which cleanses and nourishes the brain–and the entire body.
Structural Reflexology® uses both local and reflexive methods to resolve stress in the feet which makes the brain happy.
I’ve had the privilege to witness positive changes in the lives of many individuals challenged by stress simply by relieving the painful symptoms in their toes (which are the reflex areas for the brain.) The value of applying both local foot muscle and ligament release work, as well as integrating reflexing techniques to help release tension brewing in other parts of the body proves to be a great partnership. It is not uncommon to hear clients say ” The Reflexology work you did on my toes and feet has changed my life for the better!.. I can breath better, and my mind is open and clear.”
If you want to read success stories, I have written cases in my book Put Your Best Feet Forward that speak directly to relieving stress in the brain and body with Structural Reflexology®. (Chapter 4- Reginald’s Brain, and Chapter 12-Madeline)
Soothe the feet and you’ll soothe the brain– and suddenly your sense of freedom will ring!