The brilliant scholar and scientist, Joseph Chilton Pearce wrote extensively about the intelligence of the heart. He acclaimed the first cells of a human embryo are heart cells and indicates “it is these cells that direct the initial patterns of growth in the fetus as a primal intelligence”. Pearce attributes the heart as a major center of intelligence in human beings– reporting that “60-65% of the heart cells are actually neural cells” (not just muscles cells as we have learned in anatomy–) “with the same connections as well as the same kind of neurotransmitters found in the brain–linked to all major organs by ganglia.”
More and more people understand when we follow our heart, the mind, as second in command has greater power to create what we want most, not from a place of entitlement or control, but from a place of pure intelligence and knowing. When the mind over-powers the heart, the effects are more limiting because the mind has defining parameters. The mind governed with-out the intelligence of the heart is like putting the body on autopilot–leaving the heart vulnerable to more of what it doesn’t want.
Although science has enormous value, we must take care not to resign completely in calculating our creative experience of life by qualifying intelligence with the mind (brain), and relegating the heart as a subsidiary organ meant only to manage blood flow. Magic and miracles are born from the expansive and infinite vibrancy of the heart–whose intelligence can never be measured.
The Heart and Mind Matrix: How the Heart Can Teach the Mind New Ways to Think